New Year Reflections: Reignite Your Inner Light

New Year Reflections: Reignite Your Inner Light

In the whirlwind of our daily lives, it's easy to lose sight of our inner selves, especially with the constant juggling act that leaves us feeling drained and disconnected. As we bid farewell to the past year and welcome the New Year, it's a golden opportunity to hit the reset button.

After navigating the challenges of the past year, we deserve a fresh start and a chance to embrace sustainable self-care habits. The New Year beckons as a clean slate, an invitation to prioritise our well-being and establish routines that nourish our soul. It's a time to leave behind what no longer serves us and welcome the promise of a brighter, more self-care-focused future.

The past year may have taken its toll, but there's a path to rekindling your inner light through activities that rejuvenate our minds, bodies, and spirits. Here’s a guide to powerful transformative practices to help you foster calmness and clarity whenever you need it.

Crafting Positivity with Mindful Mornings

Studies have shown that morning mindfulness can enhance emotional well-being and set a positive tone for the day ahead.

Morning meditation is known for positively impacting daily emotional experiences, fostering greater resilience and emotional balance. The simple act of being present in the moment, as you sip a warm cup of tea while watching the sunrise, helps you ground yourself in the here and now. It's in this tranquil pause that you discover not only clarity but also the subtle sparks of creativity — ideas that gently unfold with the promise of a fresh start. Mindful mornings offer you a daily sanctuary to reconnect with yourself and greet the world with a calm and focused spirit.  


Consider this: you wake up a little earlier. With the world still at rest, you sip on a warm cup of tea and engage in meditation, allowing you to centre your thoughts and nourish your soul. 

1. Begin by finding a quiet and comfortable space where you won't be disturbed.

The soft glow of a scented candle and a warm cup of tea will help you create a peaceful and enveloping atmosphere. Sit in a comfortable position, whether it's on a chair or cushion, with your back straight but not rigid.  

2. Focus on your breath 

Close your eyes gently and shift your attention to your breath. Take a few deep breaths to settle into the present moment. Notice the sensation of the air as it enters and leaves your body. Pay attention to the rise and fall of your chest or the feeling of your breath passing through your nostrils.

If your mind starts to wander or you become aware of other thoughts, gently acknowledge them without judgement, and then return your focus to your breath. 

3. Engage your senses 

Engage your senses fully in this moment, paying close attention to sensations in your body, and to the smells and tastes. Feel the warmth of the cup of tea in your hands, and try to identify every single flavour as you sip it slowly. Feel the tea as it flows down your throat and try to be present with each sip, savouring the experience.

    4. Continue for a few minutes

    Continue this mindful breathing and tea meditation for a few minutes, allowing yourself to be fully present in the moment. Feel the sense of calm and clarity that emerges.

    5. Embrace a new day

    When you're ready, open your eyes slowly and carry this sense of mindfulness with you as you begin your day. Be open to new possibilities and see where today takes you. 


    Healing Through Nature's Embrace

    Recent research conducted by the University of Michigan in 2019 highlights the incredible benefits of spending time in nature. The study found that just a 20-minute nature experience significantly lowers cortisol levels, the stress hormone, improving overall well-being.

    Indeed, nature retreats offer the perfect opportunity to experience the healing embrace of the great outdoors, whether you have access to a nearby park, forest, or even a serene natural spot in your own neighbourhood. As you explore winding paths or relax on a bench, your mind gradually unwinds, releasing the tension that's built up over time. You reconnect with the wisdom of the earth, and your imagination might begin to stir. The soothing aromas of a tea on the go can enhance your sense of serenity, enveloping you in warmth and tranquillity.

    Imagine immersing yourself in the tranquil beauty of a little green bubble. Surrounded by the rustling of leaves, the scent of earth, and the gentle chirping of birds, you find a sense of peace that has long eluded you. 

    1. Choose your location

    Find a natural setting that's easily accessible to you. It could be a local park, a nearby forest, or even a quiet corner of your neighbourhood with trees and greenery.

    2. Engage your senses

    As you head out, leave your phone and other distractions at home or in your bag. This time is for you to immerse yourself in nature fully. As you arrive at your chosen location, pause for a moment. Take a few deep breaths and appreciate the natural surroundings. Notice the colours, textures, and sounds. Close your eyes and take a few moments to listen to the sounds of nature around you—the rustling leaves, birdsong, or flowing water.

      3. Slow Walking

      Embark on a slow, mindful walk. Pay attention to each step, the sensation of your feet connecting with the earth, and the rhythm of your breath. As you walk, let your mind relax and absorb the beauty of your surroundings.

        4. Connect and be present

        Find a spot that resonates with you, whether it's under a tree, by a stream, or in a meadow. Sit quietly and observe the details of nature — watch the leaves rustling in the breeze, notice the insects and birds, or study the patterns in the bark of a tree.

        Close your eyes and take several deep breaths. Imagine that you're inhaling the freshness and vitality of nature and exhaling any tension or stress. Sit or stand in this spot for a while, simply being present. Let your mind wander if it wishes, but gently bring your attention back to the sights, sounds, and sensations around you.

        5. Closing Reflection 

        Before leaving, take a moment to reflect on your nature embrace. Consider the peace and tranquillity it has brought you. Express gratitude for the time spent in nature. As you return to your daily routine, carry the sense of connection with nature with you. Let it infuse your day with calm and serenity.


          Self-exploration through Journaling

          The therapeutic benefits of journaling have been explored in numerous studies which found that expressive writing can reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

          Many people see journaling as a fantastic opportunity to melt away stress, mend emotional wounds, and kindle their creative fire. As you put pen to paper, stress dissipates like morning mist, leaving behind a sense of calm and clarity. Old wounds find solace in the written word, as journaling serves as a vessel for emotional healing, allowing you to rewrite the narratives of your past. Moreover, this sacred practice fans the flames of creativity, capturing fleeting ideas and fostering a wellspring of inspiration that can be tapped into whenever the muse beckons. 

          Find your mind escaping in a cosy snug and pour out your own thoughts and feelings in a journal.  The soft glow of a scented candle can enhance the ambiance, creating an atmosphere of serenity and introspection that complements your journaling and reading experience.

          1. Find a quiet space and set the mood 

          Choose a quiet and comfortable space where you can focus without distractions, and have your journal and a pen ready.  Light a scented candle with a woody or aromatic fragrance such as lavender, to create a soothing ambiance.

          Close your eyes and take a few deep, mindful breaths. Focus on the sensation of each inhale and exhale, letting go of any tension or worries.

          2. Reflection and intention setting

          By setting a clear intention, you bring mindfulness and focus to your journaling practice. It directs your thoughts, emotions, and energies toward your desired outcome, making your journaling experience more purposeful and effective.

          Write down your intention in your journal with a single sentence or a few words that encapsulate the objective of your session. It could be a specific challenge, a goal, or even a simple daily reflection. That exercise will help you start your practice with a positive mindset, self-awareness, and a clear sense of purpose. 

          3. Explore your emotions

          Describe how you're feeling, whether it's happiness, sadness, frustration, or excitement, and take some time to reflect on your emotions. Why do you feel a certain way? What lessons can you draw from your experiences? Don’t hesitate to incorporate sketches, doodles, or even paste in images or clippings that resonate with your thoughts and feelings if you wish.

          Then, take a moment to be kind to yourself. Acknowledge any self-doubt or worries you might have and offer yourself words of encouragement and kindness as if you were talking to a dear friend.

          4. Express gratitude and reflect on yesterday 

          Begin by jotting down three things you're grateful for. It could be simple pleasures, positive aspects of your life, or people you appreciate. Gratitude journaling sets a positive tone for your day. Spend a few moments reflecting on the previous day. What went well? What challenges did you face? How did you handle them? What did you learn?

          5. Closing Reflection 

          Close your journaling session by revisiting your intentions for the day. Visualise yourself successfully achieving them. Allow a sense of motivation and positivity to fill you. Finally, express gratitude once more, this time for the opportunities and experiences the new day will bring.


          As we embark on this journey into the New Year, let us remember that self-care routines are not just a momentary escape but a lifelong commitment to our well-being. Amidst life's challenges, these routines offer a sanctuary to slow down, reflect, and nourish our minds. They unlock our creativity, open doors to self-discovery, and guide us towards a brighter, more mindful existence. Embracing the serenity of nature, cherishing the stillness of mornings, and letting the written word be our compass, we stand at the threshold of a year filled with opportunities to nurture our inner light and let it shine anew. Here's to a year of self-care, self-discovery, and boundless growth.